

Amaç: Bu çal??mada öncelikle Borsa ?stanbul’da (BIST) bili?im sektöründe yer alan firmalar?n etkinlikleri ile finansal performanslar?n?n belirlenmesi amaçlanm??t?r. Daha sonra ilgili i?letmelerin performanslar? aras?ndaki ili?ki ortaya konmaya çal???lm??t?r.
 Yöntem: Çal??mada etkinliklerinin belirlenmesinde Veri Zarflama Analizi (VZA), performans s?ralamalar?n?n elde edilmesinde de Gri ?li?kisel Analiz (G?A) Yöntemi kullan?lm??t?r.
 Bulgular: Çal??ma sonucunda genel olarak VZA ve G?A yöntemlerinin sonuçlar? aras?nda bir tutarl?l?k oldu?u tespit edilmi?tir. do?rultuda Derecelerine (G?D) göre s?ralamada ilk 7’de %85’i 2014, 2015 2018 y?llar?nda etkin 2016 2017 G?D’e %100’ünün görülmü?tür.
 Özgünlük: Katma de?erinin yüksek olmas? nedeniyle sektörü Türkiye ekonomisi aç?s?ndan önem ta??maktad?r. çal??ma, i?letmelerinin birlikte ele al?narak de?erlendirilmesini içermesi bak?m?ndan özgünlük

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منابع مشابه

Large Finite Structures with Few Lk-Types

For each k 3, we show that there is no recursive bound for the size of the smallest finite model of an Lk-theory in terms of its k-size. Here Lk denotes the k-variable fragment of first-order logic. An Lk-theory is a maximal consistent set of Lk-sentences, and the k-size of an Lk-theory is the number of Lk-types realized in its models. Our result answers a question of Dawar [3, 2]. As a corolla...

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The state complexity of L2 and Lk

We show that if M is a DFA with n states over an arbitrary alphabet and L = L(M), then the worst-case state complexity of L2 is n2 − 2n−1. If, however, M is a DFA over a unary alphabet, then the worst-case state complexity of L is kn− k + 1 for all k ≥ 2.

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The transition from HK to LK phenotype in the red cells of newborn genetically LK lambs

Red cells from newborn lambs were separated into different age populations by centrifugation, and cells with fetal hemoglobin (Hb) were distinguished from those with adult Hb by an acid elution technique. Changes were followed during development in rates of K+ transport (active and passive), numbers of Na+/K+ pump sites per cell, cell volumes, and numbers of Lp and L1 antigen sites per cell. Th...

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Parsing Non-LK( k ) Grammars with Yacc

Of the parser generating tools currently in use, yacc (or one of its several variants) is perhaps the most frequently employed. However, because of inherent ambiguities there are some languages (such as C++) that a yacc-generated parser cannot successfully compile. This paper describes a set of minor modifications to yacc-like tools that allows them to be used in a straightforward way to parse ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Verimlilik dergisi

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1013-1388']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51551/verimlilik.655550